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7.2.1 JSON file back-end

In order to configure Emacs to use the JSON file back-end, customize the standoff-backend user option or put the following line in your init fill:

(setq standoff-backend 'standoff-json-file)

We recommend using this back-end, because you’re always asked if you want to save your annotations before quitting Emacs (while the dummy back-end does not). As the annotations are stored in JSON format, they can be processed by most programming languages. Moreover, there is no further setup needed. But if you want (or need), you can configure the names of the keys of a JSON object. See JSON object keys.

The backend provides the following interactive command:

Command: standoff-dummy-load-dumped FILENAME

Load annotations from a Emacs lisp file with dumped annotations. You will be prompted for a FILENAME. It defaults to the file name of the source document, plus the suffix .dump.el.